A Solemn Creed (Texas Oil Book 5) Page 5
“We’ll start at five tomorrow morning. You have the keys to the cabin. It ain’t much to look at but I made sure you had clean bedding, and everything works. We usually have some chow at the main quarters and even have some Friday night music occasionally. Nothing fancy, but we have a good time.” Jorge was animated, his face beaming with pride.
The man was one of the few she trusted with her ranch, her concerns and even her life. Jorge had been with her father long before she took over the ranch.
“Appreciate that, Jorge. I don’t need much. Just a place to lie down at night,” the stranger commented, his tone full of appreciation.
“Sometimes the missus has a barbeque for the guys. Makes it nice to work here,” Jorge added.
Amber cleared her throat as she walked closer. “Jorge. Surprised to see you.”
“Oh, Miss Harding. I just wanted you to meet our newest hire and I needed to let you know that I offered him the south hunter’s lodge. We’re all jammed up at the quarters. I hope you don’t mind.” Jorge smiled as he walked toward her.
“No, that’s fine. Whatever you need.” New hire. Now, wasn’t this just a bit too coincidental? She glanced up and down at the blond before offering her hand. Fine looking cowboy, but he had the look of an imposter. Too clean cut. Too polished. Too handsome. She could feel the heat rising from her neck, but she’d learned a long time ago to trust her instincts. “You’re not from around here, cowboy.”
“No, ma’am. But I am from Texas.” He grinned and tipped his hat.
He was far too slick to be a cowboy.
“He checked out well, Miss Harding,” Jorge insisted, raising a single eyebrow.
If Jorge trusted the man, then there had to be at least one redeeming quality about him. “Amber Harding. I own Rattlesnake Ranch.”
“Camden Dane. Good to meet you and I don’t want to put you to any trouble with the cabin.” Camden’s eyes flashed as he shook her hand.
His eyes were mesmerizing, a lavender color that she hadn’t seen in years. She was at a loss for words the moment they touched. The electricity flowed between them, creating a wet sensation between her legs. This was more than just unusual. This was an issue and one she had no time dealing with. “The cabin. I guess that’s all right, but I have to ask. What experience do you have? Ranching can be very hard work. Long hours, few if any breaks. You have to actually get your hands dirty.” She heard the disdain in her voice and noticed that Jorge had taken a step back. He’d been forced to experience her balls to the walls attitude more often then he no doubt cared for. After a quick glance at Camden’s smooth hands, she shook her head.
“Like I said. I checked him out thoroughly, Miss Harding. He’ll be a solid worker,” Jorge jumped in, his face beet red.
She held out her hand, the action preventing Jorge from saying anything else. “I want Mr. Dane to answer the question.”
Camden smirked before answering. “Gladly. Let’s see. I’ve owned a ranch for years and certainly know how to handle horses, cattle and other stock animals. I also used to be an oil rigger, so I understand hard work. Is that experience enough for you? Is that down and dirty enough for you or would you prefer I show off my God given talents by digging a hole or two, swinging an ax? Maybe wrangling a steer is more to your liking?”
“Whoa. I think I better get going,” Jorge muttered under his breath and took another long stride backwards.
“Hold on, Jorge. I have a few things to discuss with you,” Amber instructed.
“Yes, hold on. I think the lady has something she wants to say.” Camden’s eyes flashed, holding amusement.
Oh, this man was a challenge. Amber placed her hands on her hips and stood still, unblinking, the same calculated expression on her face. Few men dared to defy her in such a manner, at least those who worked for her. A paycheck was an excellent deterrent. Instead of being her normal pissed off self, she grew more curious about the man, her instinct telling her there was much more behind his cool façade and sexy smile. “I think you’ve made your point. But here’s the real deal and given the rough and tumble kind of man that you profess to be, I’m certain you can handle it. You have a week to show off what you can do, all those attributes you seem certain of. If you don’t cut the muster, then there are no questions asked. You are gone. Do I make myself clear?”
Camden squinted at the waning sun and whipped out a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket. After slipping them on, he hesitated for a few seconds. “Crystal. Happy to just do my job, Miss Harding.” With that, he gave Jorge a respectful nod before swaggering toward his truck, taking his time to climb inside. After revving the engine, he took off, the tires cutting into the loose gravel, creating a curtain of dirt.
She walked several feet, following along his exiting trail before exhaling. A man like that could create a brand new wave of fantasies. “Camden Dane.” She’d remember his name, his face and his body. Yes, indeed, his body.
“What did you need, Miss Harding?” Jorge approached, his tone of voice hushed.
“Need?” Sinful visions rushed into the back of her mind. The man naked, lying across her bed. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”
Jorge followed her gaze before issuing a grin. “Camden. He’s all right.”
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. I wish you wouldn’t call me Miss Harding. Makes me sound very old.” Hell, according to her bestie, she was ancient since she had no boyfriend and no one knocking at her door.
Jorge leaned in, winking. “In front of the hired help, there will be respect for your position.”
Issuing a grin, she rubbed her hand on his arm. “You’re the consummate professional. Why I adore you so much.”
“Ah, shucks. What’s on your mind? I can see those wheels turning, burning rubber.”
She continued watching until Camden’s truck was out of sight. “Jorge, I’m worried. These incidents are starting to cost money.”
“I know, honey. Doing the best we can, given the limited help and circumstances. One reason I hired Camden. One more able body.”
You bet, the man was more than able. Her pussy clenching, she shivered and shoved her nefarious thoughts into the back of her mind. She certainly didn’t need any distractions. “Well, I do hope he can pull his weight.”
“He will.”
“I’ve set up certain surveillance cameras in select areas on the ranch, but I can’t afford to put them everywhere. I need you to develop a night watch detail. Just a few men to travel the ranch and make certain there are no issues.”
Jorge scratched his head. “You think it’s going to get worse, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Seems Bart Randolph has an inkling to push me out of the ranch. Even sent me roses. Bastard.”
“Bart Randolph is formidable so if that’s the case, then he wants more than just the ranch.”
She turned toward him, narrowing her eyes. “What exactly does that mean? You’ve dropped hints before. Do you know something that I should know?”
Jorge glanced around and lowered his voice. “Just means that the Randolph family is causing a lot of trouble with some of the other ranchers. He’s trying to coerce them into selling as well. That should give everyone cause for concern.”
“Which ranchers?” She’d heard a few rumblings in the community, but her gut told her that Bart was making a hard push.
“Well,” he wrinkled his brow. “The ones pretty close to yours. You know the Butchers at the Running Water Ranch? They were the first ones approached from what old man Butcher said a couple weeks ago. He had a visit from Kyle Randolph with an offer. Almost took it too.”
“Kyle? Bart’s son?” Amber snapped her head in Jorge’s direction, another round of sickness rushing into her stomach. She had difficulty feeling her legs.
“Yeah. Heard he’s been making trouble.” Jorge shook his head. “Has his sights set on running Daddy’s company.”
She remembered the jerk off in school. Once a bully, always a bully. She c
ouldn’t forget his forcefulness with her, his determination that she belonged to him. Over her dead ass body. “The town just went to Hell.”
“Yeah. You can say that again. I’d stay away from him if I were you,” Jorge offered, chuckling. “Don’t want anything to happen to my goddaughter.”
Smiling, she touched his arm. “You worry too much.”
“Heard about running off Randolph’s men. While I can understand, you don’t want to tangle with those boys.”
“You know I can take care of myself. My daddy taught me well. After all, he wanted a boy in the family.”
Jorge rolled his eyes. “Your daddy was thrilled beyond belief on the day you were born. Teaching you to ride, shoot and fight like a man had nothing to do with his desires. You were a bottle rocket from the start.”
The man always knew how to make her feel better. “What did the Butcher’s decide?”
“They didn’t sell but since then, there’s been some mysterious things occurring at the ranch. Just can’t figure out why Bart wants to buy up everything around here. Ranching is drying out.” Jorge inhaled and looked away. “I’m sorry for that. I know you’ve put your heart and soul into this place.”
“Don’t worry, Jorge. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.” The lines on her godfather’s face were deeper. He’d aged so much in the last few months alone. Sighing, she heard the horses whinnying in the background and her heart ached. No one was going to force her off the ranch. “I’m worried that good ol’ Bart will push. He’ll try another tactic. I’m certain of that. We have to be ready. I can’t figure out what he thinks he has on me. Then last night was brazen.”
He glanced at the sky. “His tactics were always questionable.”
She caught an odd inflection in his voice. Too many secrets in cowboy town. “Now, he has to contend with me.”
“As well as a group of men who have no issues with having your back. I’ll gather a group of men to make certain that doesn’t happen. Just leave it to me.”
“Thank you. Go home to your beautiful wife. Tell Renaldo I said hello.”
Jorge beamed. “I will. Try and get some sleep tonight. You look exhausted.”
“Stop worrying,” Amber growled. When he hesitated, she gave him an amused look. “What? I can tell you have something else on your mind.”
Laughing, he shrugged his shoulders. “You can read a man better than anyone I ever knew.”
“Most women can do that.”
“I don’t want to intrude, but what about the ranch?”
“What do you mean?” Amber couldn’t hide anything from the man, including her fear of losing the Rattlesnake Ranch.
“I know you’ve had some meetings with the bank.” He gave her an intense look.
“A couple. I have time.”
“How much time?” Jorge pushed.
“Enough. We’re going to have a good season. I can feel it.” She hated lying to the only man she trusted, but the last thing Jorge needed was another worry in his life.
He walked closer. “Honey, if we lose any more cattle or if the draught continues, you’re going to have to make some tough choices.”
She sagged as the concept settled in. “I know. I can’t bear losing this place. I think that’s why Bart is swarming around me like a piranha. Smells blood in the water. Damn him!”
“Everybody knows everybody else’s business. You know how this town is. He has his finger in everyone’s pie.”
I’m going to cut off that finger and his entire arm. “Afraid I do. Let’s just make certain everyone is doing their share. Okay?”
Jorge’s eyes flashed. “Sure thing. I’ll get going.”
“Hey, I heard you talking about a barbeque with our new employee. I’d like to have one Sunday afternoon. Do you think you can help me set that up?” She had no desire to socialize but her men deserved it. They’d all been through a lot in the last few months.
“Really? You haven’t wanted to do one in a while.”
“I know. I think now is the time. Make sure all the hands are invited and any who have girlfriends. Make sure you bring your family too.”
“I will. Glad to see you’re fighting again. I mean for what you want.” Jorge laughed.
“Be careful what you ask for.” Amber waited until Jorge had left before going inside. She stood in the foyer, leaning against the wall, remembering the way her mother had loved the house, creating an amazing place to grow up. The large square footage was far too much for one person, but she couldn’t bear to sell or even rent, moving into a smaller cabin. This was her home.
The truth was cold and brutal. If the season tanked, there was no other choice but to sell. She couldn’t bear the loss. Stop thinking this way.
Hearing her phone, she groaned before dragging it out of her back pocket. At the same time, the envelope floated toward the floor. Her anger resurfacing, she yanked it into her fingers, answering the phone at the same time. “What the hell do you want?”
“Jesus. F. Freaking Christ. What in the hell is wrong with you?”
“Pepper?” Amber headed for her kitchen, slapping the envelope on her kitchen counter.
“Yes, remember me, your best friend and the one you keep ignoring?” Pepper huffed.
“Sorry. Been a shit day.” The smell of the roses was overpowering, creating gag reflexes.
“You always have shit days, which is why you can’t say no.”
Amber grabbed an open bottle of wine from the refrigerator, tugging on the cork. “That terrifies me already.”
“As it should. We’re going out. Need to get you away from your money troubles.”
Amber was sorry she’d ever told Pepper how bad off she was. The girl was relentless. Find a man to marry. Sell off a portion of the ranch. Find a partner. Yeah, right. None of Pepper’s ideas had any merit. “No, I have far too much work to do.” She glared at the roses, plucking at the petals.
“Are you studding some giant steed of yours? Or maybe bedding that sexy Russian.”
Amber groaned as she found a clean wine glass. “We’re buddies, nothing more.”
“Said the spider to the fly. I know exactly what you do with Drago, so don’t try and fool me. One night out isn’t going to kill you. Just a drink or two so we can catch up. Say no and I’m coming out there to whip your ass.”
She shifted and could still feel the sting of the belt as the tight jeans scraped across her backside. “Fine, but you’re going to pick me up.” She plucked several more petals until two of the flowers were nothing but stems.
And thorns.
“Why did I know you were going to say that?” Pepper teased. “That’s fine by me. Means I control your time and your destiny.”
“Oh, no you don’t. A drink. Remember?” Sloshing wine into her glass, she topped it off then held the golden liquid into the air.
“Don’t worry. Pick you up at seven.”
“And for God’s sake, wear something other than jeans.”
Spitting out a mouthful, she snorted as she reached for a paper towel. “If you weren’t my best friend, I swear to God, I’d hunt you down like a dog.”
“You and my ex-boyfriend.” Pepper gave an elongated sigh.
“Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?”
“Let’s just say I’m thinking of pitching for the other team. See you at seven for all the gory details.”
Gory details. Pepper was hell on wheels. This was the third boyfriend in only a few months. The term ‘boyfriend’ was used loosely. Pepper had one-night stands, nothing more. Other than her experiences with Drago, what did she have to brag about? Nothing. She took a sip then a gulp, her thoughts drifting to the oh-so sexy cowboy. They were going to tangle. When they did, she was curious who would get the upper hand.
As she walked out, her mind remained squarely in fantasyland. One night soon, they would become lovers.
Camden stood outside the cabin, leaning against the truck. This was certain
ly going to be a new chapter in his life. What in the hell had she insinuated? That he couldn’t do the job? That he was too soft? Who in the hell did she think she was? Did she get off treating all her new employees this way? Fuming wasn’t in his best interest, but he remained in a nasty mood. Well, maybe not nasty but he was riled. No woman did that to him.
Not any that he ever wasted time with again.
She’s your boss. Shut the fuck up.
He waved his hand, trying to push the ugly voice aside. Still, he had to prove himself and the truth was, he had no idea if he could do the work any longer. He was out of practice. At least Jorge seemed to think he could. He studied the house then walked all the way around the perimeter. The small deck located on the back just might fall off. Uh-huh. The foundation had seen better days and the only green item were weeds, very tall weeds pushing up against the side of the house. “Perfect.” Didn’t this just jazz up his mood?
Yep, the rustic box home was nothing to look at from the outside. He could only imagine what he was going to face inside. Sighing, he yanked off his sunglasses and eased the keys out of his pocket. This is what he’d applied for, hard work and little pay. Maybe he’d take the time to fix a few loose boards. He rolled his eyes and gave himself a pep talk. His choice to make the change and he knew it was needed. No one knew who he was, and no one cared.
Chuckling, he walked onto the porch, shaking his head when he heard the serious creaking noises. The wooden slats were old, not maintained and he could smell the rotten wood. Fantastic. Still, he didn’t have to bunk with the other guys. A perk. When he unlocked the door, he stood back, waiting to see if various critters would scamper away.
He heard nothing but the slight ticking of a refrigerator, at least a good sign. As long as there was also running water, electricity and a bed to sleep, he’d be a happy man.
At least for tonight.
Exhausted from the long drive, he headed inside, searching for a lamp or light switch. The place was dark, with what appeared to be wooden blinds covering the windows and the smell was one of dampness. Inching forward he stumbled against a hard surface, pitching forward. “Shit!”