A Solemn Creed (Texas Oil Book 5) Read online

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  The pain was intense, bordering on anguish and she wiggled, inhaling the scent of her pussy juice no doubt dripping between her legs.

  Drago ran his fingers down the crack of her ass, dipping the tips into her wet cunt. “Soon. A man enjoys a hard fuck before work.”

  Crack! Slap!

  The cracking sound as the wood hit her ass was a powerful deterrent yet she was able to unclench her mind of the anger and hatred.

  Pop! Slap!

  One after the other, hard smacks became methodical, hitting her directly on her sit spot.

  “You’re doing very well, sweet Amber.”

  Even the way he said the words was mesmerizing, drawing her into a tight cocoon.

  Smack! Crack!

  She lost count after twenty or so and closed her eyes, accepting her punishment like a good little girl should.

  Pop! Slap!

  Bending over, he pressed a series of kisses along her spine, inching down toward her ass. “I love the marks you wear for me.”

  “Yes, sir. Your marks.”

  Chuckling, he placed the paddle by her head, allowing her to see the implement, to understand its power. “Now, the strap. You will not sit comfortable on that massive steed of yours for days.”

  “Yes, sir. I know, sir.” She wanted the burn, the pain to last for a long time. The sensations kept her alive, calming her increasing nerves.

  Whoosh! Crack!

  The instant the thick leather strap was sliced against her backside, she jerked up, unprepared for the anguish rocketing through every cell. “Fuck! Fuck!”

  “Such a mouth on you. If I had more time, we’d take care of that as well.”

  Pop! Slap!

  He moved from side to side, smacking her ass, her upper thighs.

  Whack! Whoosh!

  The sound the strap made cutting through the dense air was like music, creating a vacuum around her. Amber fell into a blissful state, her fingers no longer clenching the edge of the table.

  Pop! Crack! Slap! Smack!

  He was practiced, an expert in the art of punishment and she knew owned many implements that he cared for with pride. And he’d used every one of them on her at one time or another.

  Smack! Whack!

  The whips seemed to come harder and faster and her pussy continued to quiver, her nipples hard and aching, and she wanted more. Craved so much more.

  Crack! Slap!

  Exhaling, he rubbed both ass cheeks before wiggling his finger in between, finding her asshole. “Are you tight for me? Have you missed having my dick inside your dark hole?”

  “Yes, sir.” Her mouth was dry, her heart racing and the answer was the truth. She adored the way he fucked her, used her. Whipped her.

  He pumped in and out, driving one then a second finger inside.

  She spread her legs and undulated, grinding her hips against the table.

  “Yes, my horny little cowgirl.”

  Pop! Smack!

  “Five more. Then I fuck you.”

  Whack! Smack! Crack!

  Amber held her breath, waiting for the last two. My God, she wanted to beg for additional time, to have him whip her legs and back, even her pussy. But he had work to do and needed his own satisfaction.

  Pop! Smack!

  “You should have come to me sooner,” he whispered.

  “I know, sir. I know.” She heard the sound of his zipper and knew what was coming. When he placed his hands on her hips, her entire body began to shake.

  Drago grunted as he shoved his dick inside her pussy and held her, the pressure from his fingers increasing. “Wet. Yes.”

  Amber pushed back from the table, panting as his cock swelled. The first hint of morning light filtered in through the window and she held her breath, wishing they could share more than an hour together.

  Pulling out, he slapped his shaft against her bruised ass, huffing as he fingered her ass. “Tempting.”

  She bit back a moan as he drove into her again. And again. Stars floated in front of her eyes and a slice of current trickled from her toes straight into her cunt. This wasn’t about her pleasure but payment for services rendered. Still, she found pleasure in his brutal fucking, in the way he refused to take no for an answer.

  Fisting her hair, he yanked back her head as he pumped in harder and faster, the force pushing her up onto her toes. All the while he groaned, the tone guttural.

  Her breathing strangled, she tried to meet every hard thrust, tingling every time skin hit skin. He was so hard, so thick and the way he filled her left her aching for days. Wiggling, the friction created another set of stinging sensations and she clamped her eyes shut, a single whimper escaping her mouth.

  “Yes, my little hard fuck. My special slut.” His actions became crazed until he was slamming into her.

  The wood creaked, and she couldn’t help but smile. He was close. The moment he came, spewing into her cunt, she issued a smile. This wasn’t about her pleasure, but about releasing the demons existing in them both, a dangling noose waiting for vindication.

  Drago’s body was shaking, and he drew in a long breath before releasing her. “I have to go to work.”

  “Yes.” Her legs aching, she backed away from the table, grabbing her things. She’d almost ended what most would describe as madness more than once, but the addiction was wrapped around her like a tight vice. She both adored the dangerous aspect as well as remained disgusted with her frailty. Drago remained a mystery, one she hadn’t been able to ascertain the reason why, but her instinct was kicking into overdrive. Drago had another purpose for working at her ranch.

  Fuck! She abhorred second guessing every aspect regarding her life. The damn Randolph family had made her terrified of her own shadow. What if she was making more out of the situation? Shoving her thoughts aside, she knew she needed to concentrate on saving the ranch, not worrying about her hunger for kink.

  “Did you not enjoy, princess?”

  “Drago, don’t call me princess. I’ve worked years to get the ranch where I am, including hard work and discipline.” She had other reasons for loathing the wretched word. The past would forever haunt her.

  “Yes, discipline with a capital ‘D’.” The snicker was dark, almost evil.

  His damn accent seemed exaggerated, as if he could only see her as a foolish woman.

  Resisting issuing a nasty retort, she dressed and without looking at him, headed for the door, stopping only after placing her hand on the doorknob. “Be on the lookout for Randolph’s men. I have no doubt they will want some sort of revenge.”

  Chuckling, he fastened his belt. “You are a formidable woman, my beautiful princess. Just be careful that you do not get yourself killed.”

  She wanted to demand if his statement was a threat, but she refused to give him the satisfaction. Instead, she made certain her tone of voice was saccharine sweet. “That’s why I have men like you around. Brutes and little else.” Darting a look over her shoulder, she gave him a haughty look and she knew there would be no response. Whatever decisions she made regarding Bart Randolph, she was on her own. And there was one thought in her mind.

  She wanted the pompous asshole dead.

  Chapter 2

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass who you think you are or the fact you believe you know your job. The simple truth is that you are fucking clueless, stupid. Now, get the hell out of my office!” Camden Dane glared at the man and knew his blood pressure had increased, his heart rate soaring. He didn’t give a fuck whether he’d insulted his employee or not. He was sick and tired of people taking advantage of Rush Enterprises and of his usual good nature.

  Blinking, the man took a step back and shook his head. “I used to enjoy working for this company until you took over. Have a nice day, Mr. Dane. I’m certain you will.” Storming out, he slammed the door, the hard thud reverberating.

  Mitchell Rush waited for a solid ten seconds before exhaling. “Whew. You were a little rough on Jim, don’t you think?”

en shot him a nasty look before grabbing the file on his desk, shoving the thick folder aside. “Bullshit! Jim Brooks is a useless employee. Did you know that I caught him sleeping at his desk the other day? Tell me if that’s not disrespectful.” He rubbed his eyes and paced the floor, trying his best to calm his thumping heart.

  “And did you know that Jim’s wife is in the hospital? How do I know this? Because I did the rounds with some new doctors at the cancer hospital, you know, the one I’m on the Board of Directors? I happened to run into Jim at his wife’s bedside. She’s dying of cancer, Camden. She has maybe three months to live.”

  The news hit him hard. Clenching his fist, he swallowed back a lump of bile.

  “I think that gives him a damn good excuse.” When Camden said nothing, Mitchell huffed. “What in the hell has gotten into you lately? You’re angry all the time and I’ve had complaints about the way you’ve handled various employees. Now, I can see the stories weren’t painted incorrectly.”

  “I’m doing all I can.”

  “Yeah? Well, that’s not enough. Jesus Christ.”

  The words echoed in the air. Camden finally looked at his best friend and wanted to explain why his moods had been all over the place but in truth, he had no explanation. None. All the soul searching, and all the time spent alone had proven inconsequential. “I’m sorry about Jim’s wife. I had no idea.”

  “No! Of course, you didn’t because you never look beyond your needs,” Mitchell snapped then groaned. “I know you’re under a lot of pressure. Hell, we all are. The workload has increased, you have the Federal Government breathing down your neck given the possible new offshore rig and the Board of Directors is none too happy with the quarterly results, but goddamn. Take a break. Go on a vacation. Go get fucked. Do something to eradicate the nasty side of you.”

  Camden huffed then looked into his eyes. “Yeah, I know. I’m worried that we’re going to have to lay off employees.”

  “At the rate you’re going, you won’t need to. I can guarantee you that Jim is on the phone right now, accepting the position that I know was offered to him. We can’t afford to lose another technician, not of his caliber.”

  What in the hell was he supposed to say? Rush Enterprises was top heavy, but all the various reports indicated everyone was working at the top of their game. Well, with a few exceptions. They needed oil. Lots of rigs producing copious amounts of oil. “Look, I’m not trying to be an asshole. I just…”

  “Well, you are,” Mitchell interrupted. “You need to figure out what is wrong and fix it and soon.”

  Hearing a knock on the door, Camden had to fight another snarl. “What?”

  Zach Goodman stuck his head inside, a single eyebrow raised. “Did someone piss in your Wheaties this morning?”

  “Don’t mind him. He’s just having a nervous breakdown,” Mitchell commented and walked toward the window.

  “Uh-huh. Well, bad timing considering the Board Meeting is in five minutes.” Walking further inside, Zach looked from one man to the other. “Did I miss something significant?”

  “Nothing. You missed nothing.” Camden looked down at the spreadsheet on his computer screen. Being the company attorney, Zach certainly knew the various competitors continued to breathe down their necks. There was even talk of a new consortium taking over the El Paso area, purposely pushing the Steele sight off the map. Or at least they were working damn hard to do so.

  “Right. So, I’m just arm candy today?” Zach teased. He looked over his shoulder as he walked closer. “Whatever is going on, squelch it. We must have the appearance with the Board that everything is fine. The official grand opening of the new building is next week. We need to show excitement about the possibilities.”

  “Whatever they might be,” Camden said under his breath.

  Mitchell extended an exaggerated exhale. “Let’s get this over with. I have a damn wedding to plan.”

  “An old married guy,” Zach teased. “I can’t believe you’re actually going through with it.”

  “You say that to Danielle and she’ll kick your ass.” Mitchell grinned.

  The tension remained palpable.

  The knock on the door was followed by a slow opening of the door. “Mr. Dane?”

  Camden wanted to lash out for the interruption. God, he was pathetic. Just his assistant and one very capable woman. “Yes, Sandy? What is it?”

  “There’s a reporter here and she’s asking for you,” Sandy half whispered, her eyes darting from man to man.

  “A reporter?” Mitchell huffed. “Why?”

  Camden shot him a look. He’d received two phone calls from a rather tenacious female asking for ten minutes of his time. Her insistence that he needed to speak with her had pushed him to the very edge. “She’s here?”

  “How do you know it’s a she?” Zach asked as he tipped his head.

  “A couple calls. Tawny something?” Camden avoided his gaze.

  Sandy nodded. “Yes. She said the fact you’re avoiding her doesn’t help out the situation.”

  “Fuck,” Camden muttered under his breath.

  “What’s this about?” Mitchell asked.

  “I have no idea.” Camden lied. “Tell her that unfortunately I don’t have time but that she can make an appointment.”

  Hesitating, Sandy cleared her throat. “I don’t think she’ll go away that easily.”

  “Then call security and have her thrown out!” The snap was loud enough that his poor assistant jumped.

  “Whoa,” Zach whispered.

  “Yes, sir. I can do that, sir.” Sandy closed the door after issuing a slight moan.

  “Damn it.” Camden shook his head. This was a shit for day.

  Zach walked closer. “You need to tell us something, buddy?”

  “Just a reporter bugging me about the new oil rig. No doubt she thinks the story will make her career.”

  “Okay then. We need to get going.”

  Yeah. And he had no doubt he was going to have to face this Tawny chick sooner versus later. Perhaps his entire life was going to be exposed.

  “Are we at least ready with the forecast?” Zach asked.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” Camden demanded.

  “I’m not the accountant, Cam. I’m just your low life attorney who has managed to keep you out of harm’s way and out of the Press for the last few months.” Zach shook his head. “You are out of sorts.”

  Camden grabbed a set of files and headed for the door. “Let’s just get this over with.” He didn’t wait for them to rebuke anything else or for them to follow. He knew exactly what was going to happen. More of the same. The Board hadn’t been happy for months and why should they be? Their stock hadn’t recouped after the last fiasco and their public image was less than stellar. Even the new building had garnered more criticism than good will. No one seemed happy with what they were doing, least of all him.

  He stood outside the conference room door, calming his nerves and his anger. The old saying, ‘don’t let them see you sweat’ came to mind. Plastering on a smile, he opened the door. Every single man and the two women gave him a cautionary scowl, as if he was about to give additional bad news. Maybe he’d let Mitchell handle this one since his bad mood seemed to be a downer. “Ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’re doing well.”

  Mitchell came into the room followed by Zach. He gave Camden a beseeching expression before moving to sit beside him.

  A show of force. What a good thought. As Camden sat down, he was almost grateful that Zach took the lead, explaining the laws regarding the offshore rig and the company’s plans and target dates. He realized his mind was wandering, moving to anything and everything else but business.

  While he was thrilled for Mitchell and his beautiful fiancée, their upcoming wedding was just another reminder that he had no one in his life. Sure, he hadn’t thought about romance or a relationship of any kind since taking over as CEO, but as of late, his dreams had been filled with thoughts of Sarah
. Mitchell’s sister had once been the love of his life. Even though the loss to cancer had been years before, he’d never fully recovered. He’d finally accepted during a drunken stupor that he’d boxed his emotions.

  Now, the padlock was rusty, threatening to crumble along with dragging everything else in his life straight to Hell. Including his sanity. He realized he was sweating profusely, beads popping along his hairline, staining his underarms. After wiping the top of his mouth, he forced his mind back to the present. Mitchell was right. He needed to get control. The how, he had no clue.

  “I think we’re on track. The designs for the rig have been approved by the government and we’re waiting to hear about funding.” Zach’s tone of voice was full of eager excitement.

  “And, I think we’ll be ready to start construction on the project within four months. Don’t you think I’m about right, Camden?” Mitchell tipped his head in Camden’s direction.

  “What?” Camden heard the statement but had no particular comment.

  “That we’re going to be able to start on the project in a couple of months,” Mitchell further encouraged.

  Camden nodded and as he looked into the eyes of several of the Board members, the anger resurfaced, driving him to the point of having difficulty breathing. “You know what? Who cares?”


  “What did he say?”

  The murmurs were fast and furious.

  Mitchell kicked him under the table and gripped his arm. “I think what Camden means to say is—”

  “You don’t have to put words into my mouth, Mitchell,” Camden snorted. “I meant exactly that. What do any of us care about the new offshore rig? We’re just here to get by, day to day and we’re all hoping the stock soars and the competition won’t eat us alive.” Climbing to his feet, he leaned over the expansive marble table. “Honestly? I think our days are numbered. Have a nice day.” He grabbed the files and walked out of the room and oddly enough, he felt more empowered than he had in well over a year.

  Striding into his office, he was surprised he was whistling as he grabbed his keys, tossing the files onto the desk. Tonight, he was taking a break.